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The Dutch non-profit Fields of Honor Foundation honors the men and women who have been buried in overseas American War Cemeteries in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and Luxembourg by conducting research on them, preserving the memories to them and their sacrifices. The foundation was founded in July 2011, but was preceeded by the website, which had been online since 2007. About twenty-five devoted volunteers from the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States have committed themselves to remembering their sacrifices.

324330 289624701104109 498879567 oIn the Fields of Honor – Database, which can be visited at, information and photos can be found about the American soldiers who have been buried in the Margraten Cemetery, but also about the American soldiers who have been buried in or are memorialized at the American war cemeteries Ardennes, Epinal, Henri-Chapelle, Lorraine, and Luxembourg. All these cemeteries, including 20 other U.S. cemeteries, are maintained by the American Battle Monuments Commission.

Thehe foundation has information about, albeit often still limited, all American soldiers buried in or memorialized at the American War Cemetery Margraten. Other than that, it has information and photos about 30,000 other American soldiers who have been buried in or are memorialized at the other five cemeteries. This information was gathered through independent research, but also submitted by adopters, soldiers' relatives, fellow researchers, and veterans' associations. The foundation hopes that it will be able to offer a personal memorial page for each soldier in the Fields of Honor – Database, with as much information about each soldier as possible.

For more information on the foundation and its work, please visit the foundation's website at

Adopting a Grave
It is important to emphasize that the Fields of Honor Foundation does not maintain any of the existing Adopt-A-Grave programs on U.S. War Cemeteries in Europe. You can find more information on these website though. However, if you would like to know more about who has adopted the grave or name of a loved one buried or memorialized in the Margraten Cemetery, please contact the Stichting Adoptie Graven Amerikaanse Begraafplaats Margraten (Foundation for Adopting Graves American Cemetery Margraten). This is the sole organization that maintains the Adopt-A-Grave program for this cemetery.


Would you like to contribute to keeping the memory alive? By donating just 12.50 dollars, you will enable us to give a face to one soldier. You can directly donate 12.50 dollars via your credit card or PayPal by clicking the button below. Click here if you want to read more or donate another amount. Thank you for your support!
