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Nobody deserves to be forgotten

Both 2019 and 2020 were remarkable years. During these years, people from all over the world commemorated and celebrated the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. The end of the war in the Netherlands came closer when U.S. soldiers crossed the border near the town of Mesch on September 12, 1944, which became the first town to be liberated. However, it would take until May 5, 1945 before the country was fully liberated. And that liberation came at a heavy price for those who fought for it. That is why we say thank you to our American liberators who have been buried in the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial in the town of Margraten. We pay tribute to them by decorating their graves and names on the Walls of the Missing with their personal photos. Join us in our quest for the missing faces and help to remember to those who sacrificed their all for our freedom.


Remember with us during the Faces of Freedom weekend

The faces did not yet return to the cemetery this year. The Memorial Day ceremony will be closed to the public. Nevertheless, it does not stop us from saying a heartfelt "thank you" to our liberators, while simultaneously celebrating those who continue the struggle for freedom today. And thus that is what we will do this upcoming Memorial Day weekend, from 29-31 May, during the Faces of Freedom.

beeldmerkkleinWe will speak the names of the 10,000 men and women buried and memorialized at the Netherlands American Cemetery, while simultaneously putting the faces to close to 8,200 of these names. Join us on Memorial Day, at 9 AM New York time, for this 8-hour event.

The day before, Sunday May 30, we welcome notorious people who continue the struggle for freedom today. Among them are Azza Karam of Religions for Peace and Sander de Kramer, recipients of the 2020 Four Freedoms Awards. Also joining is Lieutenant-Colonel Gijs Tuinman, who received the Dutch equivalent of the Medal of Honor for his courage in Afghanistan. Last but not: Tanner Crunelle, who has dedicated himself to making a difference, starting at his own College of Charleston. Listen to their inspiring words and join our chat to ask questions.

The Faces of Freedom weekend will be a moment of both remembrance and reflection. Learn more:


Would you like to contribute to keeping the memory alive? By donating just 12.50 dollars, you will enable us to give a face to one soldier. You can directly donate 12.50 dollars via your credit card or PayPal by clicking the button below. Click here if you want to read more or donate another amount. Thank you for your support!
